
Seminar 2024
Macmurray, Feeling and Reason: The Importance of Emotion in Public and Private Life

Saturday October 26th 10am-4pm UK GMT – (UTC+1)
Click here for more details.

Audio recordings of John Macmurray 1965 on Religious Experience
Click for What Is Religion About?
Click for What Makes an Experience Religious?

This website is dedicated to exploring the work of the 20th century British philosopher John Macmurray.

Macmurray was interested in understanding what it means to be a person. He had a gift for writing with simplicity whilst at the same time offering sharp conceptual analysis. His writing offers us a wholly new perspective on the human condition. His thinking is relevant to the problems we face as a world today.
Click here for a beginner’s guide to Macmurray in a philosophical context
by Paul Gee, Fellowship member.

Macmurray’s highly original work – mostly written in the 30s, 40s and 50s – is little known. His thinking was out of tune with the mood of British philosophy in that period, and the academic community have largely ignored his work. Despite this Macmurray has had a ‘quiet’ influence in fields as varied as psychotherapy, theology and politics.

About Us

The aim of the John Macmurray Fellowship is to make more widely known the writings and philosophy of John Macmurray, and to bring together for study and discussion those interested in his life and work. This is a new website. We welcome comments, ideas and suggestions.

The Fellowship organises conferences and meetings, and produces a regular newsletter. Find out more