Seminar 2024

Macmurray, Feeling and Reason: The Importance of Emotion in Public and Private Life

Can social media become (or be encouraged to become) more reasonably emotional?

“The education of the emotions … consists in the cultivation of a direct sensitiveness to the reality of the world around us. The reason why our emotional life is so underdeveloped, is that we habitually suppress a great deal of our sensitiveness and train our children from their earliest years to suppress much of their own. … We are afraid of what would be revealed to us if we did not” (Reason and Emotion 1935, p 24).

“In the field of personal relations knowledge depends upon emotion, and upon mutual emotion; people must care for one another before they can know one another” (Search For a Faith, BBC radio broadcast #6 ‘Religion and Personal Relationship’ 10th May 1945).

Saturday October 26th 10am-4pm UK GMT (UTC+1)
Sheffield Quaker Meeting House, 10 St. James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW. and online by Zoom.
£15.00 full or £7.50 unwaged/retired.
You can buy your ticket now using Paypal, or pay on the door (click to register)

