Seminar 2019
Macmurray, Freedom and Populism
“… freedom is measured by the ratio between what is objectively possible and what we can actually achieve. … Two things seem to be true together in the strange period to which we belong: that [our] power of achievement has grown vast beyond belief; and that [our] capacity to achieve any serious human purposes is diminishing at an alarming rate. It is an age at once of unparalleled effort and unparalleled frustration” (‘Freedom In The Personal Nexus’ from ‘Freedom: Its Meaning’, ed. Ruth N. Anshem (1942) pp 176-93)
“ … [politicians] are, like ourselves, subject to the illusion of power. If we expect them to work miracles, we flatter them, and tempt them to think they are supermen. … Those of them who are wise enough to know their limitations, and to be immune to the gross adulation of their fellows, will resign; and government will be carried on only by megalomaniacs, who are capable of believing themselves possessed of superhuman attributes and whose lust for power is the measure of their weakness.” (‘Persons In Relation’ Faber 1970 pp 200-1)
Saturday October 12th
Sheffield Central Quaker Meeting House
10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW
10.00am – 4.00pm
Cost: £15 (£7.50 for unwaged).
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